10:45, 13/11/2006
Dead virtual
Virtual Deathline
Strange but true, but Deathline hit the virtual world of Second Life this weekend to play our first metaverse gig. It was a secret event and all very hush hush, but very fun (hence the lack of pretrail and invites, sorry). We did a short set of C'mon C'mon, I Cannot See and YTFU at Second Life's booze drenched punk rocking Bunker Klub.
The virtual mosh pit at the SL Deathline gig
Thanks go to Kisa Naumova for inviting us to play and dreaming up the opportunity, Ishi Mirrikh for arranging the whole thing and Tateru Nino for this nice review.
If you're in Second Life, we've set up a free to join Group in there called, imaginatively, "Deathline" for announcements of future virtual world gigs. Our inworld avatars are called Jennie Deadlight and Kaoru Deadlight.
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