Stick it up your arse
Here's a conversation I had with a cold caller a few days ago. My mobile rang just after I'd left a business meeting.
The exact wording (excluding the last line) might not be precisely accurate.
Phone rings - number withheld
Me (walking down Goswell Road): Hello, K speaking
Voice (Scottish accent): Hello sir, my name's David. I'm calling with regard to your Orange mobile account which I see from our records is up for renewal. I think we may be able to get you a better deal.
Me: Er. OK. Are you actually from Orange? Or...
David (for it is he): (pause) Actually no, sir, I'm calling from Jupiter Mobile. We're an authorised reseller for Orange-
Me: Ah. Thanks but I'm not interested right now.
David: Stick it up your arse. (hangs up)
Questions in my head regarding this conversation:
- Why are such resellers able to get hold of this informaton? It seems privacy law is vague in this respect. I get literally loads of calls like this. (well, without the closing "well wishes", obviously), and many friends and acquaintances have unwittingly has unsuitable deals foisted on them as a result.
- Is "David" thick, giving his name and company name before signing off with the immortal rejoinder, "stick it up your arse"?
- Did "David" actually go postal after this incident and mow down all his colleagues in a display of call centre rage?
- Will Orange actually do anything based upon the complaint I made following this incident?
- Are we living in a doomed world?
Answers on a postcard please. I have another similar privacy related incident to relate later.
In the meantime, if someone claiming to be a mobile provider rings you, beware. Or at least get them to stick their N95 up their arse before they request that you so do.
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Save the world with Deathline
A flyer for your mobile phone so you waste less paper when you come and see us play this Saturday at the Dublin Castle.
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Dublin Castle, 21/7 + August dates
Live at Dublin Castle
94 Parkway, Camden, London NW1 7AN
Camden Town Tube
Saturday 21 July 2007
£5 with this flyer
8th - The Windmill, Brixton, London
18th - Otto's Shrunken Head, New York, NY
20th - Baltimore MD (tbc)
21st - The Khyber, Philadelphia PA
22nd - Hoboken NJ (tbc)
23rd - The Annex, Madison WI
24th - Chicago IL (tbc)
25th - SLCC07, Chicago IL
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While Martha takes a break Kylie joins DT for the one off Christmas special. One great bottom replaces another. Only five and a bit months to go. Sigh.
Loving the Transformer T, by the way Dave.
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