07:51, 04/10/2007
Red for the people of Burma
"she calls angels", selfportrait, Sept 2007
Red for Myanmar
- An appeal to the UN Security Council to protect the people of Burma - Sign this Petition!
- Free Burma! - International Bloggers' Day for Burma on the 4th of October 2007
- Mr Kenji Nagai, the Japanese journalist who was shot dead in Rangoon on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
- Flickr: Red for the People of Burma
"From a horse to a tiger to a crocodile", selfportrait, Sept 2007
"End times roll" and "Stole a kiss from the sun 'cause the moon beams are gone", selfportraits, Sept 2007
"Screw the poor and fuck the rich", selfportrait, Sept 2007
"Asleep on a tissue of scars", selfportrait, Sept 2007
"Melt away the snows of doubt" and "When you slept with barbed wire in your bed", selfportraits, Sept 2007
"She wore a veil, she looked good in black", selfportrait, Sept 2007
"Night captures day", selfportrait, Sept 2007
Crimson Red
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