Deathline GIG: Brixton, Tue 17 Feb

Deathline - Tues Feb 17th, Windmill, Brixton
↑ Deathline: Live in Brixton, Tues 17th Feb

Deathline end a short live break and kick off by playing the last ever Spoon of Music night. Come down. It's an amazing lineup headlined by our good friends The Mighty Roars. There's a free Spoon of Music compilation CD featuring one of our songs to be had too.

Here's what promoter Lee has to say:

The LAST EVER Spoon of Music II Presents

The Mighty Roars + Mitchell Museum + Nephu Huzzband + Deathline + This Tawdry Affair

Tuesday 17th February 2009

8pm - Midnight
£4 Entry

The Windmill
22 Blenheim Gardens
SW2 5BZ (map)

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After 2 years or musical fun it's time to announce the last ever Spoon of Music show...

It's been fun - come along and wave goodbye and get a present!

The first 50 people through the door will also receive a free Spoon of Music Compilation featuring tracks by:

William/the slow blade/The Vinyl Stitches/Micron Sixty Three/Phantom/The Chapman Family/Baseball/Buen Chico/Thee Vicars/And What Will Be Left of Them/The Conscripts + More...


This three piece spank out dirty and catchy rock n roll with 3 minute bursts of crunching drums, pummelling bass and spiralling guitar solos. Imagine The Datsuns drunkenly falling down the stairs with Karen O and you're somewhere near.

Their second album, the follow-up to the superb 'Swine & Cockerel' is out soon on One Little Indian Records.

'A rollicking rock and roll rodeo ride: PJ Harvey, The Pistols and Yeah Yeah it!'
Shaun Keaveny, XFM 104.9

The London bred guitarist and drummer ratchet up a Sex Pistols storm over which Swedish singer-bassist Lara Granqvist vents like Karen O morphing into Jello Biafra. The Mighty Roars are primal amphetamine bubblegum...


Noisy indie with little bullets of math-rock-esque sonic assaults. Think Q and Not U, Joy Division, Sonic Youth and the Cure.

'Painfully brilliant'
Music Week

'Steeped in the nervy new wave of the late 70s, this is a fine exercise in minimalism'
Q Magazine


Spiky pop with a psychedelic twinge and melodies you'd want to go out for a drink with. Culled from popular Scots band After Christmas, they're making waves quickly in the industry very quickly with their joyous, slightly disturbed off-kilter warp sounds in the tradition of the F'Lips, Why?, Animal Collective and similarly-minded good people.

'a crookedly skewiff tangy slice of west coast pop that has the alluring effect of coming across like a jumbled jubilant jamboree of sorts that admirers of early career Mercury Rev would do well to take note of'
Losing Today


Spaced-out drone rock at its best, the sultry tones of front woman Jennie bring to mind a combination of Nico and Kim Deal with added swagger. The broody minimalist sound grabs from the Velvet Underground, Jesus And Marychain and drags you through the scruff of the neck around the seedy backstreets of London. It's like sexy, very sexy.

'Uber cool lo-fi drone rocking from ex-Electric Shocks two piece ... shades of Jesus and MaryChain, Ravonettes and Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Abrasive energy and tunes, a winning combination.'


Provocative and sensual melodies blend blues with a slight gothic sense of wanting. Coming from the shadows creating a dark psychedelic noise there is something very eerie and suffocating but with a strong sense of melodies tangled within.

"This Tawdry Affair are fast rising stars of the moody end of artrock emerging from the shadowy corner of London."

For More info Visit:

Where to find Deathline

» MySpace
» Facebook
» Rock Noir EP (FREE download)
» Original lo-fi version of "I Cannot See" at (FREE download)
» Deathline's home in Second Life

Bang! You're dead.

Deathline: Buy our fucking CD
↑ Remember, buy our new album at the draGnet store!

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