Help Deathline to help the victims of the Tohoku Earthquake-Tsunami Disaster in Japan

For the week from midnight GMT on Sunday 13th - Sunday 20th March we will be donating the entire proceeds of sales on Bandcamp of our first album SixtyNine to the Japanese Red Cross Tsunami appeal.


I'm Japanese by birth and spent most of Friday and Saturday in a state of high anxiety watching the terrible images unfold and unable to contact my family back in Tokyo.

I finally got hold of a cousin on Saturday night and she was able to tell me that they were all OK, but up to tens of thousands of others are less fortunate and it's those whom the relief workers we're trying to help are working for.

I really felt shaken by the feeling of powerlessness and it made me feel desperate to help in some way and I felt the only way I could do that was to help financially in some way. It proved less simple than I'd thought. Because Japan is a "first world" country it rightly doesn't qualify to become the beneficiary of funds such as those run by the Disasters Emergency Committee.

One of the organisations that were definitely going to need help on the ground was the Japanese Red Cross, however, but even then we had to wait until they formally requested funding asistance from their franchises in other countries so it was a waiting game for a while. The call finally came on Saturday and so we decided that we'd make them the beneficiary of our fundraising.

What to do

We've lowered the minimum price of the album to $2 to encourage donations but we suggest you pay as much as you feel you can afford. We promise all money we earn from the sale will all go directly to the appeal to aid those working hard to help in the terrible aftermath of the Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami. Bandcamp have kindly agreed to write off some of their revenue share meaning even more money will go to the cause.

Buy and give at

If you already own SixtyNine and don't want to purchase again, go to your country's Red Cross website and donate directly to the Japan Tsunami Appeal. Here's the link for the UK

I hope you can find it in your heart to dig deep and help. Kind thoughts and prayers are all well and good but a situation like this demands direct action and financial support.

Please pass this message on to your friends and colleagues.

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