RCK N FKN RLL. Self portrait, 6 August 2011

So in a couple of days time, I fly to Los Angeles for the recording sessions of Deathline's second album.

More about that in this post but in amongst the rock n roll madness that has taken over my life this summer, I did have time to do some self-portraits in August so I thought I'd share a few here as..

a) They're probably the only ones that will happen in the conceivable future and..
b) I think they're quite nice

You can see more in this set on flickr and a slightly different selection on my Facebook page.


We shall be tweeting a recording diary on the Deathline Twitter over the next two weeks if you want to follow what we're up to on our west coast adventures. I may also be doing a few additional personal tweets as well.

While you're clicking and linking, you might also want to read an interview I was fortunate to do over at Nauga News from Gentleworld. It is fun, informative and you will learn a lot about me, my internal workings and some facts about cheese that may surprise and delight you.

See you when I'm back and jetlagged!

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RCK N FKN RLL. Self portrait, 6 August 2011
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