If I find a light source then I'll shoot my face

Untitled by Kaoru Sato / 500px

I found this cool circular light on a low ceiling in the hotel room I was in last week, it was like having a readymade softbox.

I was getting ready to go out, but decided to see if I could get a good shot with it.

I stood on the bed - see below - to get closer to it and snapped a few using the FaceTime (front) "selfie" camera on my iPhone 5.

If I find a light source then I'll shoot my face on 500px DIscussions

I enlarged it and did some sharpening and noise reduction in Lightroom and Nik Tools 2 and the top shot is the result.

The bottom one is the same shot but cropped and filtered in VSCOcam. Quite nice feel to it I thought.

Opinions welcomed in the comments :)

If I find a light source then I'll shoot my face on 500px DIscussions

See more of my photography at 500px, Tumblr and instagram.

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September 2014: Breakwater at Holyhead, Anglesey

Untitled by Kaoru Sato / 500px
Breakwater at Holyhead, Anglesey (via Untitled by Kaoru Sato / 500px)

Breakwater at Holyhead, Anglesey from the Dublin ferry.

Shot on iPhone 5, post processed in VSCOcam.

This is currently my favourite photo of mine from September 2014. I'll try and post a single choice every month from now on. If you like what you see, you can see more of my photography at 500px, Tumblr and instagram.

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