Krchive part 5 (1999)

Krchive: 1999
Who's who? (1999)

I recently found a bunch of old photos, mainly pre-digital, on an old CD-ROM. It was interesting looking back at the emergence of the "Miss K" character during the 90s. Here are a few of the ones that caught my eye...

Having got the digital bug, I decided I wanted a better camera and plumped, with Christmas money assistance, on the new Casio QV7000-SX, which had pretty amazing image quality for a compact of the time. This meant I could get arty with my vanity portraits.

Up till 2003 when I moved onto the first of my two Nikons, all my photos were taken with this trusty camera.

Krchive: 1999 Krchive: 1999 Krchive: 1999
This (↑ left) was the first self-portrait taken with the new camera. I cut the blunt fringe of the wig myself.

I was now definitely a redhead (under the wig as well)

You'll be relieved to hear that this prolonged jaunt down memory lane is almost at an end now...

Krchive: 1999

Krchive: 1999 Krchive: 1999

Self portraits - May 1999
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