Look back in candour

↑ "All bow down to the Ten of Clubs" - July 24, 2010

In the absence of any real quality posts on this blog of late, I thought I'd show you some photos taken last year. These are some of the nicest outtakes from the fabled and highly self-indulgent 12-month self portrait project of 2010.

I was unfortunately rather blocked, stressed, ill and unhappy for much of last year and therefore it seems to me now that I sublimated a lot of my frustration and anger into these shoots which I think is part of the reason (apart from the fact that I was trying to achieve something artistically significant) that they had a real charge about them. I can appreciate them as a body of work now, but at the time I was often in pain, and almost always in a state of mental turmoil.

So they don't really come from a great place, but having said that they're among the only things that I consider of real value that I produced last year so, oh well...

Conversely, a lot of things have changed this year and I'm feeling a lot more fulfilled, less stressed and much more creative.

Unfortunately for fans of Miss K in pictorial form, this will mean much less of this sort of thing. It also explains the aforementioned lack of quality posting here on this weblog. Sorry. Creativity for me is like water, and at the moment it seems to be flowing very freely which means that much less of it sticks.

I'll write more about my relationship with my personal creative water cycle shortly. Bet you cant't wait!

Anyway, the photos.

↑ Jury's Inn, Manchester - April 1, 2010
↑ As nature, unintended... - December 19 2010
↑ Sharp Dressed Man - May 15, 2010
↑ Die young, leave an exquisite corpse - March 20 2010
↑ "How's Annie? How's Annie? How's Annie?" - February 13 2010
↑ Jury's Inn, Manchester - April 1, 2010
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