How it's done II: The Revenge

disturbing 80s WAG bitch conclusion 80's Makeup-Box Ophelia Disaster Mlle. O The Thing Who Fell To Earth Return to the valley of the ultra-valley-girls six
↑ My virtual makeovers at, Jul 2008. Original photo (Sept 2005) bottom right

I came across this Saturday. It's a rather wonderful Flash application which allows you to perform virtual makeovers on celeb faces or your own, fellow trannies, via upload. There's loads of these types of things around, but this is by far the best I've come across. And not just in terms of results, ease of use, and features either. The simulated costmetics are based on real world products and shades, so once you've put your look together you can actually go and purchase the slap you used on your mannequin version. Neat. I'd actually have to get a loan to buy all the makeup used above though. Sigh.


This is really a rather poor sequel to my, er, "famous" make-up tips article, "How it's Done", the 2005 September blockbuster from the previous version of this site. Like a lot of summer sequels, this one is glossier, has a higher budget and uses a lot of unnecessary CGI to liven up a substanceless, empty mess of an idea. Brilliant!

The original sequence is below, including the final shot which was made-over above. You can click each individual image to go and read the original instructions, which I've copied into the photo descriptions in flickr and describe how to get that patented Miss K "smoky eyes" look...

one two three four five six
↑ "How it's done" (Make up tips) Sept 2005. Click images in sequence for the instructions.

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