Three Inch Killaz

Ten years on...
↑ Ten years on... by Helena Love

Three ex-Six Inch Killaz were reunited at the Deathline gig on Thursday. On the left is Mona and on the right is Luis. And that's me in the middle btw, sweating just after coming off stage.

Six Inch Killaz split in 1999, ten years ago almost to the day. I see Simon / Mona (on the left) a lot - we're close friends still and we're about to welcome him as a musical collaborator with Deathline - watch this space. But Luis on the right I haven't seen since we split. But the three of us hit off again like no time had passed at all. You should check out Luis' blog and Simon's music.

It was a happy night and Jennie and I had a really good time, not just playing but hanging out afterwards. We particularly enjoyed meeting new friends like Luis' flatmate Stephanie, whom I know, of course, from the blogsphere. It was nice to put a face to an online acquaintance. Similarly with Helena Love, who took the lovely photos from the night that you see on this piece.

Deathlne @ The Hope & Anchor 28 May 09
↑ gig shots (decluttr). Photos by Helena Love
Deathline drunks
↑ post gig street booze (l-r) Luis, Stephanie, Jennie Deathline and Roger (decluttr) by Helena Love

It was a hugely fun night and one of our best recent performances You can see more photos from the gig at the Hope & Anchor and the ensuing drunken shenanigans on Helena's photostream.

We departed unsteadily into the warm May night well after midnight excited by making new connections, and renewing past ones. Ten years on.

Ten Years gone

Read the Six Inch Killaz stoy on this weblog, right here

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