08:24, 30/11/2012
Deathline NOVA album launch show, 1st December 2012, Sebright Arms
Deathline - Sebright Arms, December 1st
We will be at The Sebright Arms in Hackney to launch our new LP NOVA this Saturday 1st December, supported by Hares, Winterhours and The Machine Gunners.
If you want to be on the reduced entry cheaplist, please reply to this post, email us or join the event on Facebook and we will include your name on the list.
We will be selling the limited edition NOVA vinyl LP at the preorder price as well as a selection of lovely merchandise. You can window shop in advance here.
» Stream and buy NOVA on download or vinyl here
(or at iTunes, Spotify, Deezer, Amazon and everywhere)
» Watch a selection of NOVA videos
» Read a selection of reviews to date
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