The Death of the Line

Deathline, at Pushing Pussy, Aug 19 008
Deathline, at Pushing Pussy, Aug 19 008 by Mr Jam

This was a really good gig, probably one of our best. Despite a technical glitch on our first song, Tesko Disko, the rest of the set really ripped through and we could tell it was good from the reaction from the packed out audience at the Vibe Bar. Thanks go to the excellent sound man, Ian, and all the Pushing Pussy girls who promoted the night really well, especially Sara who was just so fucking nice! And our new manager Miranda, who sorted it all out for us.

Big thanks to everyone who came as well. Super turnout!

Deathline, at Pushing Pussy, Aug 19 008
Deathline, at Pushing Pussy, Aug 19 008 by Twinkle Troughton

The night ended on a slightly surreal note when we found ourselves drunkenly interviewed outside after the gig by Playboy TV South America who were filming us for a documentary about the British music scene. Look out for us, Argentinian fans!

Deathline, at Pushing Pussy, Aug 19 008
Deathline, at Pushing Pussy, Aug 19 008 by Mr Jam

The great photos are by my friend Jamie, and Twinkle, who is one of the promoters. This is a great monthly night, highly recommended!


Tesko Disko (aborted) / Lacka Lacka Firecracka / Labradoodle / Funtime / 17 / Have the Dust / Region Hack / 7-1 Regime

Where to find Deathline

» MySpace
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» Rock Noir EP (FREE download)
» Original lo-fi version of "I Cannot See" at (FREE download)
» Deathline's home in Second Life

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