Bye then...
You warmongering spin spin spinning grinning loon.
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A still from the video we shot in Sweden. One of two tricky split screen shots allowing Jennie to play two characters in this promo for our song Cmon Cmon.
More on this visual feast when I've finished editing it.
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This is brilliant and accurately describes my (albeit slightly more internalised) emotions as I was watching last week's stunning episode of Doctor Who, Utopia.
We're nearing the end of the series now, and Davies' zeitgeist radar has struck gold again, coinciding the fictitious rise to power of PM Harold Saxon with our very real handover of power next week. Series 3's been an almost uninterrupted high for me.
(The video above will mean nothing to those who didn't watch Doctor Who last week, and contains spoilers for those yet to experience the masterful delights of Utopia)
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Deathline in SL
Hi. this is an update on my band Deathline and our plans to bring our rock noir sound into Second Life. As some of you may (or may not know), we've been invited to play at the Second Life Community Convention this August in Chicago, which is terribly exciting (and also gives us the excuse to get a small tour together in the States - which is happening: dates will be confirmed on our MySpace soon).
The SLCC booking (thanks to Nethermind Bliss and her crew) happened on the strength of our music, obviously, but also because of a short, one off performance for BBC TV that we did in SL way back in November last year.
Ever since then, we've been trying to get back into performing in SL, but real life commitments including a busy live schedule have got in the way. Also we wanted to do it properly and not half-assedly. We've now got a deal in place to stream live audio and video (so people can choose to listen or watch us play on video screens) with a major UK-based streaming bandwidth provider. We've also booked one of Britain's top new punky rock bands to headline our first gig (Deathline will be the support act). And of course the venue's been in place for a while.
So we just have a few logistical issues (such as our headline act being away on tour in Europe right now) to get out of the way and then we'll be doing our first proper, public gig in SL.
One of the problems with band performance in SL is the extra complications that make the whole experience technically (and especially logistically) more complex than streaming a solo artist (which I think is the reason why even now, SL live music is mainly comprised of soloists). But we have all that nailed down now, and we'll be able to let you know exactly when it happens very soon. It will be sometime mid July.
After that, we'll probably do one more date in SL before departing for the US in August. Deathline will be in Second Life on a more permanent basis from now on, and we'll also continue to try and bring you the best of the new UK and European alternative rock bands as well.
Keep in touch
If you want to keep in touch with Deathline only in Second Life, please join the Deathline group in SL. For updates about all our activity in Second Life AND the real world, join our mailing list by emailling or joining our MySpace friendlist.
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Yep, still got it
Comments are back on.
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Great inbound search queries #176,287

Well, do you? Maybe someone can help this person about the fine points of running an online soiled lingerie business.
Swedish Day
Meanwhile, in foreign news I'm pleased to announce that today is National Swedish Day. I found out because I'm on the mailing list of several hideous celebrity nigtclubs (in my official capacity as z-list tranny celeb) and got this flyer from glamour model, WAGs, soccer stars and professional blonde hangout Chinawhite earlier this week.

In honour of this important flag day, I will be travelling to Sweden to join my bandmate Jennie who is a Swedish girl. We'll be shooting a pop video (and possibly recreating the image in the flyer above in tribute to bubbleheaded blonde Swedish glamour models everywhere).
Back in a few days. Be good.
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Corridor of opportunity
Check out this very fine build, which showcases the Leeds Metropolitan University's Creative degree shows in superlative style. The huge, authentic build is dotted with intriguing and beautiful work to explore.
The fruition of my good friend Kisa Naumova (aka Siobhan Curran)'s vision and hard work.
slurl at
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