TONIGHT: Deathline @ Water Rats
Deathline next invade your sonic cone tonight (Wednesday 24 June). We're headlining (meaning playing last, and not really an indication of status!), onstage around 10pm. It's yet another one of those where we get paid the more people we bring so please come on down. There'll be some label and agency types around apparently so a big crowd might be good for us too.
We have an unlimited cheap list of £4 so if you want to be on that, drop me a line by email (see footer), or register attendance at the Facebook or events.
Deathline + others
Wednesday 24th June, 2009.
Doors 7.30pm. Onstage 10pm approx.
£4 cheap list. RSVP / email us for inclusion (see below).
Monto Water Rats,
328 Grays Inn Road London WC1X 8BZ (map)
Kings Cross St Pancras tube
RSVP for cheap list:
» This event on Facebook
» This event on
» or just send a reply to this email.
Recent photos
We've been out and about a fair bit of late. You already saw the photos that Helena Love took of us at last month's Hope and Anchor gig. Here's a few more, from our trip to Sweden a couple of weeks ago, and also some amazing shots that Mr Simon Fowler took of us in May. Click to enlarge them!
Deathline connections
» MySpace:
» Facebook:
» Twitter: NEW!
Debut album SixtyNine out now
Check out our MySpace for CD and download purchase options and other opportunities to be parted from moderate amounts of cash! You can also find a track by us on the download only charity compilation SWEETFA3. 23 tracks from some of the best new bands around for only £8 and all in a great cause. Bargain!