12:29, 29/12/2009
Prone to Acts of Provocation
With my ancient, sophisticated and jaded appetite there's very little these days that sets my pulse racing. But what self respecting tranny with a dangerous lingerie habit that verges on self harm wouldn't warm a little to an email like this when it pops into their mailbox?
↑ Knickers down: They're telling me to spend money when I have none...
All I'm saying is that late Christmas and birthday presents are just as valid and cherishable as ones that arrive on time, if you catch my drift...
As a demonstration of my worthiness, here's a little Flickr slideshow of pictures of me, through the ages, dressed in Agent Provocateur. You might have to use your imagination for some of the photos as there tend to be clothes on top of the loveliness :)
↑ Knickers up: me wearing AP through the ages...
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