331 part 2

As the last post rather cryptically alludes, this time of the year happens to be when I notch up birthdays and anniversaries on my various passions, networks (social or otherwise) and selves. Thus I've taken to the habit of writing "self summary" posts which disambiguate my various identities (real and online) and reboot this blog for a fresh year's writing.

I have no idea whether anyone reads my weblog seriously any more. Over the last year of sporadic posting, I've probably alienated the majority of my audience by almost singlemindenly turning it into the "Deathline tour blog" rather than something about being a tranny in the 21st Century. I don't apologise for this but I appreciate that you lot might find it a bit weary!

Anyway, more about Deathline later. Here's a few notches...

October 19th was my 3rd flickrversary

Miss K photographed July 2004 I posted my first photo (this rather weird alien looking effort here →) to the site at 2.40pm on the 18th October 2004. Also there back then was my lovely friend Erika Baarova. We joined at pretty much the same time and I think we can claim to be the first pair of trannies on flickr. We founded the trannyflickr group together soon after.

Back then, flickr was a small but fast growing photo sharing community which was getting massive buzz throughout the blogosphere. Before the days of its sale to Yahoo it was a small, interesting and furiously growing community and it was great to be a part of it. Most of the amazing set of tools for managing and showing off your photos were already there, though the architecture was pretty flaky and it would quite often be "down for a massage".

I'd been reading about it and meaning to check it out since that summer but only signed up when it became apparent that it was the ideal place to host the photos for the new blog I was putting together, as well as much more interesting place to show off than networks I already belonged to like MySpace (too awful) and URNotAlone (too niche).

In many ways my flickr photo stream, especially the archive view by "date taken" is like a visual diary of my life, tranny, non-tranny, real life, Second Life. Certainly it's more quotidian and comprehensive than the contents of this blog, which takes far more effort for me to populate with new content.

You might have noticed if you habituate my flickr stream that I've been making efforts recently to make the archive more complete by uploading stuff from a huge backlog of digital photos from the last 12 or so years (an ongoing process). Please take a look, especially at the travelogue photos, some of which I'm rather proud. Pretty much all of the photos are also geotagged (except for those which show me at home, which only friends and family can locate, for obvious reasons!)

November 7th was the draGnet's 3rd blogversary

Yes, it's true, I first polluted the Internets with this vague collection of musings, perusings, amusings and scribblings and typos just over three years ago.

While it looks like I've let the blog languish a little bit, I still have big plans for it. The 2007/8 season will definitely see the completion of several long incomplete pieces of serial writing on this site, a new design and more focus on better (if less frequent) writing.

I'm going to focus more on my creative writing and also writing about my transgender nature. I think both routes bring out the best of my writing so it makes sense to focus on that side given the limitations of time. You can see a selection of the writing I'm most pleased with over here.

There will, fingers crossed, also be a side excursion into the world of print. Quite excited about this, will let you know more as and when.

Brand draGnet has been rattling round the web since roughly 1996, the last three years as this blog. It was about a year ago that I was afforded the accolade of being one of .net Mag's top 50 British blogs.

It's so not over yet...

October 27th was the first anniversary of Deathline's first gig

One year on we've just played our 22nd gig, toured America and just completed recording our first album.

Feeling gravity's pull
Deathline (me and Jennie's back) New Cross Inn 6 Nov 07. Photo by Miranda

This year, we hope to play more, better and bigger gigs, get some airplay and an agent and generally push on after a great and busy first year. We'e definitely writing the soundtrack for a very interesting and cool film in the next couple of months which is exciting (more of which soon).

My biggest wish is that some more of you who read this will come and see us play. We're quite good, you know?

Coming up

On December 19th, I become a year older. No I'm not going to tell you how old I am, though I will of course wave a customary hand towards my Amazon wishlist.

And on January 23rd, Kei Mars is 4 years old. Now that is old!

bye for now

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