What are you looking at?

↑ "Reality", self-portrait, March 2008

So it appears that I'm back. In fact as someone rather succinctly put it, I "couldn't stay away". Which implies a sense of weakness to the vice of vanity which I must admit is probably far more accurate than I'd like to admit.

I have a sense of glee and terror at writing this first article of this new version of my website. This piece isn't going to be anything special, just a wan handwave and a "hello, I'm back".

Some expectation setting too. One of the reasons I quit blogging a few months ago was that I simply couldn't seem to fit it in any more in my life. I'm still frantically busy, so I'm just saying now for the record that I won't be writing as much as I used to. But I hope when I do it will be better than what the previous site deteriorated into.

But I did always intend to start again (though perhaps not this soon). I have thoughts and ideas I can't express anywhere but here, you see, and some of my best stuff's come out through this website. So it's not even a surprise that I've reopened the doors a bit. No, not even a surprise. An inevitability, you could say.

Oh. Over the next few weeks there'll be some necroposting. There's a few pieces I wanted to salvage from the old place which will be republished here. Sorry about that if you've already read those upcoming reposts. It's important I don't lose the best of what I did before, OK?

(And apologies to IE users on Windows. It looks a bit poo atm. I'll fix it soon. Edit: should be OK in IE now)

I'm 'K', by the way; a tranny, if you're new to this. I make music, I write a bit and design websites for a living.

Hi, and welcome to my place. I hope you'll like it.

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