Krchive part 3 (1996 - 7)

Krchive: 1997
self portrait, huge head! Shot on film, 1997

I recently found a bunch of old photos, mainly pre-digital, on an old CD-ROM. It was interesting looking back at the emergence of the "Miss K" character during the 90s. Here are a few of the ones that caught my eye...


Krchive: 1997 Krchive: 1997
self portraits, 1997

By 1997 I was an ex-blonde. This is turning into the story of my hair, isn't it?

» Undated shots from 1997... + those where the date is known.


Krchive: 1996

Not many Miss K photos from 1996. I guess I was busy with the Killaz that year.

This shot was taken for my company's website on some sort of early digital camera we had knocking about - not great quality but the days of the proper digicam were looming now.

Only thing else to add is that clearly, I was generally looking rather androgynous around that time.

» More shots from 1996...

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Krchive part 2 (1994 - 5)

I recently found a bunch of old photos, mainly pre-digital, on an old CD-ROM. It was interesting looking back at the emergence of the "Miss K" character during the 90s. Here are a few of the ones that caught my eye...


Krchive: 1994
self-portrait, 1994

I went very blonde for a few years. I quite liked this severe hairstyle!

While I had my blonde crop, I hardly ever wore a wig.

I had this hairstyle when I first joined Six Inch Killaz (about a year after these photos were taken) and at the first gig I played, people apparently mistook me for (and I quote) "a pretty lesbian"!


» More shots from 1994...


Krchive: 1995 Krchive: 1995 Krchive: 1995
Miss K, Spring 1995

These four images from 1995 were taken by a friend with the web in mind. For the very first incarnation of my personal site, the draGnet in fact, which has over the years mutated into my current blog.

This was also around the time I joined Six Inch Killaz, my first "proper" band, which of course I've written about at great length.

I still have this horrible fun fur jacket somewhere. It cost about a fiver from C&A on Oxford Street.

I guess I was starting to develop my 'rock and roll' look around this time. Shampoo were a popular band at the time and this outfit kind of reflects that, I guess.

This is still one of my best pictures I think. It was the home page image of the first version of the draGnet. I love my hair in it:

Krchive: 1995
Miss K, 1995
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