10:30, 13/07/2010
So someone called Svetlana Shlueva added me as a contact yesterday on flickr. She claims to be a young transsexual woman in transition on her profile. Her photos are certainly convincing!
I couldn't help noticing though, that one of 'her' photos was actually of me from earlier this year.
Here's her version, ironically titled "This is true"
And my own.
Mine has date precedence (EXIF showing it was taken back in January), hi res versions, geolocation and is surrounded by photos from the same shoot. I even blogged about it back in February. Hers has none of these things and was apparently taken in May 2010. I pointed out the obvious fakery in a comment and demanded that she remove the photo. Last night the comment was deleted and I was blocked. The photo's still there. Friends, please take what action you deem necessary!comments powered by Disqus